Small Beginnings

Every journey starts with a single step. Often the first step is taken in fear and trepidation. Such is the way of the budding author.

Here you will find the steps that Trish Robson makes on her journey to becoming an officially recognised and published author.

Each small success will be recorded, as well as the many obstacles that will find their way underfoot.

And so the journey begins...

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Starting Anew

My idea for my first novel has long since fallen by the wayside. This is due to the perceived workload that will consist mostly of research. At the moment, I do not have the time for research to get in the way of creativity.

So, the first novel idea has been set aside. It is not known if I will get back to it any time soon.

While this may be terrible news for some of you who may be reading this blog, I am not dismayed. The reason is that I have been mentally composing a new idea of a novel - this one aimed at teenagers. I've broached the idea to a couple of people, and they like it. They've been sworn to secrecy though, as I will not be sharing the idea online.

Soon I will be able to have what I call 'free head space' to get it started.
At the moment, I am still concentrating on honing my writing skills with my e-zine, ih-klek-tik. I am in the process of uploading issue 12. This is long overdue. Moving house (again) and trying to keep up with my day job (teaching) has meant that any spare time I've had at home has been spent recharging my batteries.

I have also begun a new blog, this one is created solely for the purpose of keeping my daily thoughts in one place. These thoughts are created as images, so that they can be shared freely. Go to and check it out!

Christmas is coming, which means at least a month of interruption-free writing time. I'm looking forward to this as I seek to embark on what may possibly be a successful first run at a novel for teenagers.